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Model Kerb Weight KG 85% Weight KG
Carens 1.8 SX 5 seat 1189 1010
Carens 1.8 GSX 6 seat 1262 1972
Clarus 1.8 SX 1220 1037
Clarus 2.0 GSX & Exec 1234 1048
Mentor 1.5 1180 1003
Pride 1.3 3 door 795 675
Pride 1.3 5 door 825 701
Sedona 2.9 D 1880 1598
Sedona 2.5 P 1761 1496
Shuma 1.5 1217 1035
Shuma 1.8 1233 1048
Sportage 2.0 1513 1286


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